Please see the following websites to find out about when and where community groups are running in Edinburgh.
Bookbug sessions are free, fun-filled songs and rhymes sessions that run in every library across Edinburgh and the Lothians for parents and children aged 0 – 4 years. There is no need to book; you can turn up to any of these sessions and join in with your child. In Edinburgh you can find out where and when sessions are taking place by typing in the name of your local library here.
Incredible Years is a parenting programme which aims to help strengthen parent-child interaction and encourage positive behaviour. There are separate parent programmes for babies (0-1 years), toddlers (1-3 years), preschoolers (3-6 years) and school age children (6-12 years).
It runs over 12-18 weeks and gives parents effective techniques for managing behaviours such as aggression, tantrums, shouting, answering back and refusing to follow rules. The programme is free and is available across Edinburgh and the Lothians. In Edinburgh, you can apply online via the City of Edinburgh Council website.
Peep groups are held in various venues across the Edinburgh and the Lothians. They are free and open to families with children aged 0 – 5years. You can bring your child to a Peep session, where you can take part in group activities, nursery rhymes, games, songs and stories. They are informal, comfortable, welcoming and supportive and offer opportunities to chat about what’s great and what’s difficult about being a parent. The City of Edinburgh Council website has a list of available PEEP groups.
Raising Children with Confidence is a training programme which aims to give all parents and carers of children ages 0-10 years the chance to explore emotional health and well-being and consider how they can best promote it in themselves and their children. Drawing on the latest research, it helps explain why parents’ actions make a difference to their children’s emotional wellbeing and future positive mental health. Courses are held throughout the year and often run in primary schools and community venues. The groups run as a 14 hour course with 7 x 2 hour sessions.
If you are in Edinburgh and would like more information, please email or contact 0131 469 3952.
Triple P groups are available in Edinburgh for parents and carers of children aged 3-6 years who are displaying difficult behaviours. They take place over 9 weeks and can help you to have stronger relationships with your child and promote positive behaviour in your family. In Edinburgh, the programme is free and parents can apply for the course online via the City of Edinburgh Council Website.